How To Share Jesus Without Fear Analysis

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I really enjoyed listening to the presentations and reading assignments on “How to Share Jesus Without Fear”. It has enlightened me with new information on how Christians should share Jesus without being afraid or worrying about how people response to the word of God. The reading also summarizes different approaches on how Christians should share the word of God to non-believers and how to answer questions that may come up when sharing the word of God. We must approach people without fear and be led by the Holy Spirit. We can no longer be afraid to share God’s word. Christians must have faith and be led by the Holy Spirit to share God’s word without fear. Fay states, “There are two basic principles at work when you share Scripture. …show more content…

Sometimes I tend to listen to friends and family members when it comes to various situations. I must be led by the Holy Spirit and not myself or others. God has equipped me with everything I need to bring in the lost souls. The only thing I must do is seek him for guidance and directions. I want to make sure whatever I do will line up with the word of God. I want non-believers to know that God is a good God and He will listen to them whenever they seek Him. I will do God’s will and listen to the Holy Spirit when to speak and when to be quiet. Christians must humble themselves and be willing to listen to people even when they do not want to hear them. God listens to us so we must listen to non-believers. I really enjoyed reading this book on “How to Share Jesus Without Fear.” It has enlightened with new information on how to share Jesus without fear. I believe that some Christians are afraid of sharing the gospel to others because people say negative things about people when they share the word of God to other people. If we do not go into the community and share the gospel, people will not know who Jesus is and what he can do to meet their

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