How To Save Shark Persuasive Essay

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Saving Sharks From Humans Imagine being a shark, a great white shark. The bloodthirsty monster of the ocean. Roaming around the ocean makes everyone run away, but no wonder everyone is scared of you. With rows of razor-sharp teeth, you can rip people into millions of pieces. But right now, you are in great danger. The danger of getting killed by the top predator, humans. I take the position that sharks should be protected by us because they could be friendly, keeps the ocean balanced, and are killed for horrible reasons. Anyway, it is their natural instinct to hunt for food.
The first reason why I think that sharks should be protected from us humans is that they could be friendly. Just because of shark attacks, doesn’t mean that every shark out there is a human killing monster. According to Morne Hardenberg, an African shark explorer, states, “In the beginning I was very afraid,” “But they have a softer side that most people don’t get to see.” This shows that not all sharks are scary and bad. Also, from the article, “Great White Terror”, the author Peter Benchley wrote, “The shark withdrew, then quickly bit the cage again, and again. It wasn’t until the third or fourth bite that I realized the shark wasn’t really attacking. It was more of an exploration, a testing, a tasting.” This …show more content…

Without sharks, our ocean might be very messed up. I know this because, the article called, ”Saving the Great White Monster” states that if bull sharks from the coast of U.S disappear, then the population of their main prey, the cownose ray, would go crazy. So their prey, the North Carolina scallops would go extinct too. This clearly shows that if sharks go extinct, this can also really affect the rest of the ecosystem or food chain of the shark. Also, the author, Lauren Tarshis writes, “Sharks help keep the ocean in balance. Already, the disappearance of sharks has had a dramatic effect on the

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