How Technology Affects Sleep

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Science Fair Background Research
Hypothesis: The device will decrease your sleep. Sleep is one of the most important parts of your life. Does technology affect your sleep? Did you know that ninety percent of our population commit to using technology before going to bed? Before going to bed if you watch too much technology it could take you longer to go to sleep. How much do people know about sleep with technology? In these next few paragraphs you will learn more about how technology affects your sleep.
In your body there is technically a clock in your brain telling you it is time to put down your electronics and go to bed for the night to rest. The more and more electronic devices you use the less likely you are to fall asleep …show more content…

One is the light coming off your device is connected to your sleep hormone. If you use it in bed it creates learning issues because your bed is a place for sleep not work. Devices do not really interfere in the daytime because there are two lights, the sun and your device. When it is dark out you pay attention to the light on your device because it is the only light that you can look at. Devices can take good things out of your brain and put bad ones in your brain. It would be a better solution to take away your device before you go to bed. When you play a video game before you go to bed it turns your room into a place of entertainment instead of rest. Devices have become a bad distraction in our world today and some people can not put them down for thirty minutes. Even having your phone on your night stand is bad to do because you are tempted to look over at it. Your child should not have a device in his or her bedroom at night. The exposure of the light negatively makes your sleep worse. It also makes you drowsy in the morning like you do not want to get up and start your day. Technology impacts your sleep by affecting the time that you go to sleep and that means you sleep less than you really should. Most teens have this problem because they like to text and email at night. They don't want to miss out anything. Even one time a week staying up on a device can make your whole week worse for sleeping patterns.

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