Irresistible Analysis

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“Technology: What Are the Consequences of Life in a Connected World?” by Maria Konnikova, a doctoral candidate in psychology at Colombia University, writes how Sherlock Holmes can teach us about observation, attention, and happiness. She points out in today’s world we are so fascinated with our cell phones, e-mail, twitter and Facebook, we cannot even see the world around us. We focus on one thing at a time and doing one thing, and thinking about another when our mind wanders can cause unhappiness. Living in a digital world has had a huge impact on making our lives easier, but also may cause some behavioral addictions. To see and observe is the answer as when Watson, who shared a place with Sherlock Holmes, did not know there were seventeen …show more content…

He believes that it threatens the health of not only children, but everyone. Alter points out in his book how we are psychologically connected to our devices like social networks, smartphones, games, fitness watches and other gadgets. He offers advice on how we can regain control of our time, finances and relationships. He states we are in a digitally connected world that has turned us into addicts. Steve Jobs explained how the iPad was the best way to listen to music, take classes, browse Facebook, play games along with thousands of other apps, but refused to let his own kids use the device. It was much the same of drug dealers who believe, never get high on your own supply. Greg Hochmuth, one of Instagram’s founding engineers remarked, “There’s always another hashtag to click on, then it takes on its own life, like an organism and people can become obsessive” (3). Users benefit from these apps and websites, but also struggle to use them in moderation. There are people on the other side that break down any self-regulation that you have. When we think of addicts we think of chain-smoking, heroin and pill popping. This digital age is more conductive to addiction than any other in history. This new tech age offers convenience, speed and automation, but at what costs. In 2004 Facebook was fun; in 2016, it’s …show more content…

This problem is bad among boys, but even worse among girls. Many teens refuse to communicate on the phone or face-to-face, they fight by text. Adler reports “They don’t have to deal with seeing their faces or reactions” (41). Another problem that has arisen is sleep deprivation caused by smartphones, e-readers and other light-emitting devises. When the blue light hits your eyes the pineal gland stops producing melatonin and your body prepares for day. Kids need sleep and physical activity, family time, and time to use their imagination. One example is a one year old girl who swipes an iPad screen like a pro squealy happily as the device responds to her will. When she is given a magazine she continues to swipe and becomes frustrated when nothing happens (244). The American Academy of Pediatrics that television and other entertainment media should be avoided under two. Research shows the most important factor in a child’s healthy development is a positive parent-child relationship. China has become the first country to declare internet addiction a clinical disorder and labeled it “the number one public health threat” to its teenage population. Research showed addicts spend more than six hours a day online not for work or studying, but to play games. Some kids are so hooked they will not take time to go to the bathroom, so they wear a diaper

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