How High School Sports Benefits Everyone

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Benefits Everyone

Different people have different views of high school sports. Some say they are a waste of money, time, energy and serve no purpose to the community. This is most definitely wrong. High school sports have proven again and again how beneficial they are for athletes, the community, school spirit, coaches and spectators.
Some students just don't have any way to vent their emotions, anger or energy in a positive way. Probably one of the most important benefits is that it keeps students and teens out of trouble. If you can give fifty students a common goal and give it to them in a controlled environment there is no way they can get into trouble and it provides them with a way to work with other people. “Whatever they fantasized about, it all seemed possible that day.” This quote is from the author on page twenty four describing how he felt that night. That is how powerful a …show more content…

Sports greatly benefit the local community. Whenever there is a large sporting event in an area that area is going to have a large increase in business. People buying food, sporting equipment and other things. Sports also tend to bring the community together. It gives them something to look forward to. There will always be a sense of rivalry between communities and schools which is a very good thing.
Racism and sports and always been closely associated “He responded without the slightest hesitation. “A big ole dumb nigger.” Lucky in the last forty years people finally came to their senses and racism has decreased dramatically. When you're part of a team no one cares if you’re white, brown, big, little, fat, skinny and most importantly male or female. You become a family when you are on a team. Some kids their team is the only real family they have and they need it more than anything in the

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