How Does Romeo And Juliet Change You Essay

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Love can make you change you in many ways. In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare you will see how Romeo changes and why. The three main points that you will see as you read through this paper are Romeo falls in love with Rosaline, but gets depressed because she doesn't like him. Then later Romeo meets juliet and falls in love with her. And the last main point is Romeo finds out that juliet is dead and he goes to look for her and kills himself. Throughout this paper you will see how love changed Romeos life.
This first main point is talking about how Romeo couldn't get the girl he wanted so he changed and he gets all sad and wasn't the same anymore ¨ Well in that hit you miss! She'll not be hit with cupid's arrow. She hath dian's wit¨. (1.1.209) This quote is showing that Romeo went for her and missed. Rosaline does not want to do anything with him. Romeo is all sad and Benvolio is worried for him because he isn't acting the same. Benvolio tries to figure it out but Romeo wont tell him. ¨thou canst not teach me to forget¨ (1. 1, 239) . Romeo is explaining how he can't stop …show more content…

¨if I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss¨. This quote is saying that Romeo went to the dance and he meets Juliet, he likes her already. He thinks she's beautiful and she likes him too. He kisses her that night and he falls in love with juliet. But Romeo doesn't know yet that she is a Capulet. ¨My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love is deep. The more i give to thee, the more i have, for both are infinite¨ This quote is Juliet expressing her love for Romeo. But sense Romeo and Juliet's families hate each other they can't be seen together, so he has to sneak to Juliet's room. Romeo and Juliet express their love to each other. They want to get married the next

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