How Does Julius Caesar Come To Power

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Greatness is a gift given to those who are worthy, even if they themselves don’t see it yet. Such a gift leads to power, and with power, a person’s true character is revealed to all. In fact, there was once a man who was given such gifts in his time. This man was Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was a Roman general who fought bravely in the Gallic wars, winning many victories for Rome. However, after threatening Pompey’s position in government, Caesar was ordered to resign from his position in the military and return home. Caesar came to power as a Roman dictator in October 49 BC. Upon attaining such power, he created the Julian calendar and centralized the bureaucracy of the Republic. He was also part of the Consul of the Roman Republic three times, with his final term starting January 1, 44 BC and ending with his …show more content…

“Here is the will, and under Caesar’s seal. To every Roman citizen he gives--to every several man--seventy-five drachmas.” (Act III, scene ii, lines 232 - 234)
“Moreover, he hath left you all his walks, His private arbors and new-planted orchards, On this side Tiber. He hath left them you and to your heirs forever—common pleasures, To walk abroad and recreate yourselves.” (Act III, scene ii, lines 237 - 241)
If Caesar hadn’t cared deeply about his subjects, he wouldn’t have given them what he himself had once owned. Seventy-five drachmas back then was worth to the people the same as $254 is today. Although this may not seem like much, to the people who lived in the poverty percentile of ancient Rome, this was a fortune. Also, allowing the subjects the rights to his own private grounds was unheard of. As a matter of fact, such an act, especially in a will, is still unheard of. Altogether, although it may not seem like Caesar gave much to the people, it was a luxury only found in the dreams of

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