How Does Holden Lie

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Cather in the Rye is full of questions. It is always leaving you wondering why he did something or what he will do next. Wondering why he is always lying when it is so much easier to just tell the truth. There are so many themes in this book it is hard to choose just one. However, my goal in this is to talk about the theme of lying. Holden cannot go one chapter without lying. Holden admits that he is a compulsive liar too. He feels that telling someone a lie can save him from people actually figuring out who he is. Even when he doesn’t want to lie he lies. He can’t fully understand why he always lies to people. In chapter 21, Holden lies to the elevator boy. “I’m supposed to wait for them. I’m their nephew” (Salinger 174). Holden and the elevator …show more content…

In this chapter Phoebe catches Holden in the biggest lie yet. She was listening to Holden about school and was sick of hearing that he didn’t like the people there. So she finally said it. She gave Holden a piece of his own medicine. She had said, “You don’t like anything that’s happening” (Salinger 187). Of course he went straight to lying to try to defend himself. He kept trying to say he did like things, but he couldn’t come up with one thing he likes a lot. After a while he used his age old excuse, as Phoebe told us. “I like Allie” (Salinger 189). The only thing that Holden could think of was Allie because Holden does not like anything in the world. He is just too stubborn to admit that Phoebe is right and he is …show more content…

She tells him, “You cross your legs and hold your breath and think of something very, very hot. A radiator or something. Then your whole forehead gets so hot you can burn somebody’s hand” (Salinger 194). Holden realizes his sister really believes that so he lies to not crush her feelings. He acts scared and pulls his hand away from his sisters head. He says, “Thanks for telling me” (Salinger 195). This is the one time that Holden’s lies come in handy. Phoebe actually believes Holden when he says that and gets happy. She also tries to reassure him that she would never burn him. You know Holden is influencing his sister with his lying when she lies to her mom. Her mother opens the door to the room and asks why she is still awake. Phoebe merely replies with, “I was warm enough, I just couldn’t sleep” (Salinger 195). Phoebe continues to lie to her mother to help save Holden’s butt. Phoebe has to take the blame for the smell of a cigarette so she tells her mom she lite it, took one puff then threw it out the window. Phoebe could get in serious trouble for that, but instead of telling the truth she lies because she has such a great role model that teaches her to

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