How Does Depression Affect Teenagers

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Depression effects several people in many different ways. This disorder has many different symptoms. There are also many varied types of depression. Although adult and adolescent or teen depression are almost identical the causes of these orders are very different based on the obstacles the individuals face due to their age group. Teens face many different stressors that can cause up and downs which can be signs of depression. Several aspects of an adolescent’s life can be majorly impacted by depression. No one cause for this condition can be pin pointed. A depressed person is not just sad and cannot just snap out of it. The chemicals in the brain also play a large part in this disorder.

The definition of depression is a mood disorder causing a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It is a chemical imbalance in the neurotransmitter. This condition has many different categories of symptoms. Each symptom has multiple effects on individuals. Apathy, boredom, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, the inability to feel pleasure, loneliness, loss of interest, mood swings, sadness, emotional distress are all ways depression affects a person’s moods. The cognitive issues are a lack of concentration, activities and thoughts are at a slower speed, and there is a
During this phase of life many young adults become awkward and unsure of themselves which makes it easier for this disorder to occur. Some factors that can influence the feeling of depression are trying out for sports, starting a new school, pressure to achieve good grades along with several other hardships the teen may face. Social isolation, high stress levels, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide are known to follow alongside depression. The depression can spill into other parts of the teenager’s life as well such as effecting school behavior and or grades, the child’s home, work, and social

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