Case Study: Yian And Depression

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Yian and Depression Yian is an 18 year old, African American immigrant college student who lives in New York. She resides with her father and her step mother whose family income would place them in the lower middle class. Yian also has a part time night job to help to fund her college tuition and contribute to household bills. Yian personality structure is that of an introvert, with this she finds it a little difficult making friends in college or asking for help when she needs it. Yian tends to blame herself for all the misfortunes around her, and challenges herself to fix these misfortunes, which normally ends disastrous. Yian was raised by her mother until she was 16 years old, when she migrated to live with her father, Yian has a close …show more content…

Due to this Yian grew up as a lonely isolated child. In 2015, Yian discovered family holidays such as Christmas which she used to enjoy was now a holiday which she currently despised, due to the idea of family time with her parents. Yian instead of engaging with family, she would be located in a corner on her phone listening music or reading. Yian constantly feels down with a sense of hopeless and without a purpose, in trying to evade questions and concerns by family members she presents herself as contented and occupied. In 2014 shortly after Yian migrated, she fell into a period of melancholy, she felt trapped in a home of strangers that she called family and constrained to her home as she was unfamiliar with her new environment and made no efforts to become familiarize with it. At this time Yian was residing with her grandparents and cousin, she believed once she moved her dejected emotions would have improved. However, when Yian moved away from her grandparents after two years, to live with her parents, she felt more trapped, isolated, inability to be herself and hopeless once …show more content…

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest (ManiMala, 2016), which can negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, which can lead to emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home (Parekh, 2015). The symptoms of depression can range from mild to severe and include: feeling sad or having a depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, changes in appetite trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, loss of energy or increased fatigue, increase in restless activity, feeling worthless or guilty, difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions and thoughts of death or suicide (Weis,

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