How Did The Renaissance Change Man's View Of The World

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The world of the Renaissance
There was a time period called the Renaissance it started during 1300C.E.-1700C.E., before the Renaissance started there was another time period called the Middle Ages which started in the 5th century to the 15th century.The word Renaissance means “rebirth” or also “revival.But the restatement question is “ How did the Renaissance change man’s view of the world?” In the Renaissance it was a time period where the people would paint pictures but with light colors.But, in Middle Ages they used dark colors and on their churches they had gargoyles on top of them. There are also three main reasons of the Renaissance which were art, science, and also religion.

Initially, Leonardo Da Vinci was an artist who lasted 1452- 1519. He painted pictures such as the Mona Lisa and The last supper and more. He was known as The Renaissance man He was known as the Renaissance man because he was a painter, architect, inventor, and a student of all things scientific. There was another painter named Duccio Di Buoninsegna, he painted some things during the Renaissance. He painted Gualino Madonna, and also Madonna and child. Leonardo and Duccio had some things that were different, such as …show more content…

If they did steal his ideas then mostly all his ideas would be all gone if they would have took them. Martin Luther who lasted 1483-1546 was a man who said things to the church and people thought that he was crazy and he was telling everyone the truth. Until one day one of people from the church told Martin to stand and tell people in the church that everything he said was a lie but, actually everything that he said was the truth but they didn’t believe him at all. So, he was put on house arrest for the rest of his life and then he fortunately died because he was probably at the age of him to die

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