How Did Russian Revolution Affect Women's Life After The Bolshevik Revolution

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The Bolshevik Revolution played a role of women’s lives in Russia. According to Stites and Rimmel, the Revolution affected the women’s lives positively or not at all. The Soviet women went through phases throughout the Revolution and experienced several difficulties before, during, and after the Revolution. The difficulties included inequality among education, labor, leadership, and a person’s rights overall (Stites 165). Women were basically required to maintain their households and take care of their children while men made the decisions and worked for their families (164). This document argues both sides of how the Revolution improved or did not affect women’s lives. Stites believes that the Revolution started the steps for women to improve their lives, while Rimmel believes the Revolution did not affect women’s lives (163). The Revolution, in my opinion, mostly improved the lives of women but the women did not secure their overall rights. The Soviet women during the Revolution had an idea on how to improve their lives and succeeded to a certain extent but that idea was not fully achieved and is still hard to achieve to this day. …show more content…

He supports his claim by adding the specific group that was created and his claim is persuasive towards his side because of the evidence backing up his claim. His claim seems to be supported by facts and contributes to his

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