How Did Roman Influence Greek Art

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The Romans admired the greek culture and art. The Romans copied, imitated, and innovates. The art of the ancient Greeks has a big influence on the Roman’s. Roman art recorded history. Roman artist inspired other Mediterranean countries, as well as England, Spain, etc. Artists used walls, columns, and other building structures to display their work. Roman art is also seen through the cities architecture. Romans out art to the limits and beyond. There were lots of different forms of art like sculptures, pottery, painting, mosaics, and some architect. Sculptures played a big part in Rome. Roman sculpture was heavily influenced by Greek sculptures. In fact, many of the Roman sculptures were the same as Greek sculptures. Many artists designed sculptures, they were placed all throughout the country. Sculptures decorated homes, business, parks, and other parts of Rome. A bust is a big sculpture of a face. They were usually famous people. Homes were …show more content…

Some artists painted right onto the walls of their home. Their paintings also showed scenes from everyday life. The Romans wanted their art to be useful and tell future generations about life in the past. Paintings help keep a clear picture of Roman life. Some paintings even showed battle scene and other historical events. Roman mosaics were mostly found in private homes and public business. They were found across the cempire from Africa to Antioch. Mosaics, (tessellatum), were made with small balck, white, and coloured squares. They were mostly marble, tile, glass, pottery, stone, or shells. They were usally .5 and 1.5 cm but very fine details. Romans developed there own style and production to these mosaics. Roman pottery was used and made daily in Roman life. They made utensils, cooking pots, amphorae, and fine wares out of pottery. Unlike Greek pottery in which decorations were painted on walls, Romans preferred to engrave them. There are two types of pottery, fine ware, and coarse

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