How Did Gutenberg's Printing Press Shaped Europe During The Early Renaissance?

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The Canadian Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa is looking for a new exhibit that portrays the importance of science and technology, I ask you to fund an exhibit that displays how Gutenberg’s printing press changed and shaped Europe during the early Renaissance era. Gutenberg’s printing press allowed for mass production of books at lower cost, which adds a lot to the economic context surrounding the printing press. More people become literate because of how accessible books are, bringing upon change to an era where only the elite could read. Gutenberg’s printing press paved the way for others to spread knowledge and ideas. It brought people from many different walks of life together to discuss science, culture, art. It reshaped education and books for educational purposes became common knowledge as more and more people became subject to literature and how it has changed Europe. The printing press revolutionized …show more content…

Because of how many books were made, it lowered the price of books, which made them more accessible to the general public. The printing press brought upon change to an era where only the elite could read, and only the wealthy could buy books. Gutenberg’s printing press paved the way for others to spread knowledge and ideas. Bringing people together, from many different lifestyles, and experiences, to discuss and debate about natural phenomena, science, culture, art, literature. Religious texts and educational texts became increasingly popular as the general population would have a book of the bible, as well as having books for different educational purposes. It redefined the class system in Europe, the printing press revolutionized how culture was interpreted and how accessible it could become, boosting the economy, as well as creating a global change in the market, thus shaping the history of Europe as well as the

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