How Did Antigone Break Human Law

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Not following one’s religion the same way as the majority does not make a person any less religious. A person without a specific religion still has morals and beliefs, but their beliefs are not tied down by a single physical manifestation such as the bible. These morals and beliefs, which vary from person to person, are Spiritual Law. Bertram Cates, although a Christian, also believes in evolution. Unlike Bertram Cates, Antigone’s spiritual beliefs fit within the dominant religion of her time. For both Antigone and Bertram Cates, the Human Law of their time does not agree with their spiritual beliefs. Bertram Cates and Antigone may believe differently than each other, they both agree that Spiritual Law takes precedence over Human Law.
Antigone and Bertram Cates both broke Human Law because it contradicted with their Spiritual Law. Bertram Cates taught his students about The Theory of Evolution even thought it would mean breaking the law. Similarly, Antigone buried her brother even though Creon forbade anyone from doing so. In both situations they were forced to choose between following Human Law and going against their own moral values, or following their morale code but at the same time breaking Human Law. Both Antigone and Bertram Cates chose to break the law and deal with the consequences that came with …show more content…

Bertram Cates believes people should think for themselves to try and develop their own Spiritual Laws. Speaking about Bertram Cates, E.K Hornbeck says, “There's only one man in the whole town who thinks, and he's in jail”. E.K. Hornbeck is saying Bertram Cates is the only person who does not blindly follow the laws of

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