Antigone's Actions

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Antigone has defied the king's edict. However, the edict says that her brother, Polynices, cannot be given a proper burial. The reason given for this is that Polynices is a traitor. Antigone's uncle, Creon, the king, makes this edict after many events happen. Antigone says herself that she has experienced "no private shame, no public disgrace, nothing" that cannot be experienced (Antigone, p. 658).

Antigone and her family have suffered many things. It all began with her father Oedipus. Oedipus has a very confused life. He ends up killing his father, the king of Thebes, while he believes his father is someone else. He ends up as the king of Thebes and married to his mother, Jocasta. He dose this all while believing that his parents are dead. He finally ends up finding all this out; he blinds himself and is banished from Thebes. This is where Antigone's two brothers come in, Eteocles and Polynices. They end up fighting for the throne. Eteocles wins and banishes Polynices from Thebes. Polynices, however, is not done. He goes to Argos and recruits an army to take Thebes. The plan backfires though and Eteocles and Polynices end up killing each other, and the army is driven off. With no male heir to the throne, Creon, Oedipus' brother, takes the throne. This may be a lot for one person to handle, but Antigone's grief has just begun.

Following Creon's rise to power, he makes an edict. He declares that Eteocles will be "given full military honors," while for Polynices, the edict "forbids anyone to bury him." (Antigone, p. 659) This is the edict that Antigone wants to defy. Many people might say that Antigone is wrong is defying the law, but I do not. Here in America, we have essentially two sets of laws. One is the laws that are passed be Congress and the state governments. The other law is the Constitution of the United States. Which do you think is the higher law? The Constitution answers that question for us. It says that it is that highest law, and that no other law can defy it. Also, we have our own moral laws that we use to make everyday decisions. In ancient Greece, they had a system of laws very similar to today's system.

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