How Did African Americans Join Ww2

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World War I had resulted in the combination of reasons of why World War II had begun. After the Treaty of Versailles had been backed out of by Germany and Japan. Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. After Japan had attacked pearl Harbor the United States had decided to join WWII. Particular groups who were drastically impacted by World War II which included Women and Mexican Americans. WWII had impacted the roles of women and Mexican Americans in both the domestic and foreign fronts. Mexican Americans were taken for granted in many ways, including segregation and denial of basic citizen rights. A way that Mexican Americans were victimized was when the “ Zoot …show more content…

Zoot Suits were youth Mexican Americans dressed in long jackets with pleated pants and broad brimmed hats. The Zoot Suits had been rioted and mobbed against after eleven sailors had been attacked by Mexican American zoot suits. Which had lead to Mexican American neighborhoods being filled with mobs and had anyone who wore or supported zoot suits grabbed, attacked and ripped of their clothing. Mexican Americans and caucasian populations were segregated into different areas and were not given as many job opportunities as white males were given. Although Mexican Americans had been drafted into the war, they still had suffered from segregation during their drafts but had been less segregated than they were at home. The government had also successfully . One African American had said, “Why die for democracy for some foreign country when we don’t even have it here?” But as the war had progressed World War II had allowed Mexican Americans to experience a restrained amount of equality that was within the military. A way that some equality was shown

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