How Child Abuse Affects A Person's Life

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How Child Abuse Effects a Person's Life.

"Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child" (What is child abuse). A child can be abused in many ways including physically, sexually, emotionally and by being neglected (What is child abuse). Child abuse is very serious and should not be taken lightly and should be reported as soon as possible. This not only effects them as a child but once they become an adult it can have a lot of serious effects.

The different types of child abuse are all equally serious. Physical abuse is any action a parent preforms towards a child that causes physical harm (What is child abuse). Physical …show more content…

Sexual abuse is defined as when an adult uses a child for any sexual act (What is child abuse). This includes looking at photos, making the child participate in sexual actions and pornography (What is child abuse).

Emotional abuse is sometimes forgotten but is still just as serious as any other type of abuse. Many people think if you cannot see evidence of the abuse then it does not exist. Emotional abuse is defined as "when a parent or guardian harms a child's mental and social development" (What is child abuse). This is showed by telling the child they are unwanted, stupid, cutting a child off in a conversation and not letting them speak, encouraging misbehavior, and not letting the child interact with their peers (What is child abuse).

Finally, Neglecting a child. This is demonstrated when " a parent or caregiver does not give the care, supervision, affection, and support the child needs" (What is child abuse). There are different types of neglect. Medical neglect is when a parent does not seek medical attention or refuses certain medical treatment even if it is needed for the wellness of their child (What is child abuse). Emotional neglect is when a parent does not give the child the attention they need (What is child abuse). Emotional neglect is demonstrated when the parent is not involved with their child's personal and school life (What is child …show more content…

One example of this is the story of Mariah Woods. On November 27th, 2017 3-year-old Mariah Woods from North Carolina went missing (West). The entire country was watching and keeping up with this story. The story goes like this, Mariah Woods was only 3 years old when she went missing one night while she was staying at her mother's house with her mother and her mother's boyfriend who also lived there. Her mother called 911 and reported her daughter missing. This little baby's life had just begun. Her mother's story was, Mariah had gotten up in the middle of the night and the boyfriend had sent her back to bed. When her mother went to wake her that morning she was gone. They said she was either kidnapped or walked outside that night. It was said that she was not able to walk long distances without her leg braces. At this time different therioes were going around about what really happened to this sweet innocent baby. Her father was never contacted until he saw the news story. A lot of weird holes were in the mother and her boyfriend's story. They looked and looked and looked for Mariah and were about to give up hope when they found her body right outside of town dumped into a creek. Mariah's autopsy showed the cause of death was chloroform toxicity (Bennett). Mariah was murdered by her mother's boyfriend and then to protect her boyfriend her mother lied about what really

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