How Can Illegal Immigrants Improve Our Economy

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The United States have been the spot for immigration for decades and decades legally or not. People have started to despise those who have come into our country illegally, but with over 11 million illegal immigrants already in our country and that number rising we have to accept the fact it's not going away anytime soon and I for one think it's a good thing.
I believe that we as a country should allow illegal immigrants into our country. First off, immigrants help our economy. Next, immigrants are just trying to help themselves and their families. Also, there are millions of illegal immigrants here already so we should just accept it. Finally, immigration is a natural right. Read on to find out why I believe this idea so much.
First, immigrants help our economy. No matter what u say or believe evidence shows that immigrants actually improve our economy. For example, immigrants give the U.S. More tax money so we can better our economy. They also willingly take the jobs that nobody wants, and since the need housing and necessities they create jobs such as manufacturing, housing, and anything really. A lot of people think that since they come here sometimes for healthcare people think they take money from the U.S. When studies show immigrants actually generate more tax money than they cost. …show more content…

Face it, these families need income, that's why they come here they couldn't do without it. I don't think we should just close our gates now. That'd be unfair because this land seems dreamy for people who come from harder places, they dream of living here we shouldn't just crush their dreams like some people are hoping to. Also, all,their doing is risking their lives to help out their families, that's how important this country is to people and if we just closed our gates it'd be unfair. Don't you see, people need this country to help themselves and their families, let's not just take it away from

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