Housing First Model Analysis

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Housing First (HF) is a housing approach that was developed in 1992 created by Sam Tsemberis and his agency, Pathways to Housing. Tsemberis founded this intervention on the belief that housing is a basic human right (Pathways, n.d.). Individuals experiencing homelessness often experience barriers related to obtaining housing such as unemployment, substance use, arrest history, or mental illness. Housing First removes these barriers for individuals, and instead, provides housing on the premise that individuals do not have to be medicated, sober, or employed to obtain housing. With appropriate supportive care and services an individual will be empowerment to make choices for themselves and succeed in what they need to do to better themselves. …show more content…

The purpose of the Housing First model was to reduce barriers; whereas, in a traditional housing program that has requirements and barriers to entering the program, individuals experiencing homelessness may not have the ability to address the issues that either developed before or after their period of homelessness. Regardless, they deserve a safe place to sleep at night. Once they can get proper rest, it becomes easier to work through the other obstacles in their lives. According to a study by Clifasefi, Malone, and Collins (2013), a positive association does exist between time spent in a HF program and decreased time spent in jail. Rates of substance use also are significantly lowered in a HF program versus a treatment-first program (Padgett, Stanhope, Henwood, & Stefancic, 2011). Overall quality of life is improved as well. In an experimental study by Patterson, et al. (2013), it was found that quality of life was significantly greater for participants in a HF program compared to a treatment based program over a period of 12 …show more content…

The fidelity includes maximizing choice in housing for clients, separating housing and service components, ensuring voluntary and person-centered services, providing a range of necessary services, and maintaining a program structure that focuses on supporting the above criteria (cite). The purpose of these standards are so that the individual leaving homelessness will not only feel supported, but also empowered to make their own decisions and life changing choices.
The first step to accessing a HF program, an individual experiencing homelessness would be assessed. Across the country, a systematic system named the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is used to track individuals or families experiencing homelessness. In many places, locations have been set up and defined for individuals to go and be entered into the system, as well as, get assessed for the appropriate level of intervention. Unfortunately, waiting lists are created due to the lack of affordable housing available in the many areas where the chronically homeless

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