Hostile Sexism Essay

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There are some detrimental effects of both hostile and benevolent sexism. Sexism has an immense impact on an individual and it can result in negative emotions, stress, impaired cognitive functioning and result in health problems (Solomon, Burgess, & Bosson, 2015). Different forms of sexism elicit different reactions from individuals. According to the ambivalent sexism theory, there is hostile sexism and there is benevolent sexism. According to Solomon, Burgess and Bosson (2015), hostile sexism is when there are angry mindsets and beliefs about women that are believed to challenge a man’s status and his power, while benevolent sexism is when there are paternalistic mindsets and beliefs about women that are believed to be in need of protection. Women who want to be independent or obtain power often face hostile sexism in the form of disparaging …show more content…

This form of sexism consists of encouraging but condescending beliefs regarding these women. Also benevolent sexism takes more a protective paternalism form toward women. There are mixed responses to this form of sexism in women because it is done in a more constructive and well-intended form of way, which can often lead women to develop a more favorable impression of men.
However, there are negative effects of this form of sexism also. Women who face benevolent sexism often elicit anger, self-objectification, and body shame and this can impair their cognitive functioning. According to Solomon, Burgress and Bosson (2015),”unemployed women who read paternalistic (vs. overtly derogatory) remarks about women, made by an ostensible job recruiter, performed more poorly on a complex problem-solving tasks”(p. 469). Impairment in cognitive functioning after experiencing benevolent sexism results in ruminative thoughts of incompetency, then leads to attempts to suppress these thoughts, which can reduce working memory

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