Hostile Sexism

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The Harmful Effects of Sexism in Video Games The overtly sexist depictions of women in video games are becoming harmful to real women. Much research has been done on the effects of violence on video games on the player, but there has been relatively few studies done on the effects of sexism. The sexist depictions in video games and the effects on the male player base is becoming increasingly problematic, as it is becoming increasingly common for women to be threatened with violence for simply being involved in playing video games. Sexism can take many forms. One of these forms is known as hostile sexism. Hostile sexism takes on a more antagonistic view of the women; men see women as trying to control them or force their ideas on them, so they react callously (Becker and Wright). Examples of hostile sexism would include actions such as threats of violence, rape, harassment or discrimination on the streets or in the workplace. Hostile sexism is of course the most harmful form of sexism, and it is also probably the best known. The lesser known form of sexism is called benevolent sexism. I say lesser known, because it is often dismissed as not “real” sexism. As the name suggests, the perpetrator tends to mean well with their actions. Benevolent sexism is expressed by thinking of women …show more content…

As opposed to watching violence on television, the player is more involved in a video game. Players are able to make choices themselves in a game, as if they are the person in the virtual world. This allows players to become more involved in the fictional world, and it has been hypothesized player’s views adapt to those of the world they are playing in (Yao, Mahood, and Linz). In other words, their view of reality can become distorted and more akin to that of whatever game they are playing. If the game treated women as subordinate to men or as sex objects, the player is more likely to view women that way in their own

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