Hook Up Culture Essay

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First, the trending hook-up culture is creating psychological consequences in relationships. Developing the habit of having sex with whoever and whenever, especially as a young college student, can take its toll on a person’s mental health. Hooking up with people you just met could lead to depression and the feeling of loneliness. According to a study that linked mental health to hook-ups, those who reported fewer depressive symptoms and fewer feelings of loneliness that engaged in hookups reported an increase in both depressive symptoms and feelings of loneliness (Sexual). Also, the hook-up culture causes regret among many individuals who partake in it. In a recent study conducted on 200 undergraduate students in Canada, 78 percent of women …show more content…

Dr. Emma Seppälä, the Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism, provides insight on how exactly social media negatively affects relationships. One harmful effect of social media she talks about is that it is addictive. People tend to focus on seeking pleasure from their phones over real people because there are constant interactions and posts on social media sources. Dr. Emma Seppälä also explains how social media causes people to be lose their sense of reality. By virtually posting one’s friendships, vacations, or whatever else it may be, it causes that person to disconnect from their reality and the people that it consists of. Living in the moment is when we’re the happiest, but what people don’t realize is that they lose the true meaning of the experience when they virtually praise it. Why focus a meaningless amount of likes when you can share enjoyable experiences with a companion who actually cares? The final aspect Dr. Emma Seppälä discusses is that social media damages communication. Communication is arguably the most important aspect of a relationship, but how are people supposed to do that if they are constantly on their devices? Social media was created to connect people, but it ultimately separates us away from reality and into the virtual

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