Argumentative Essay About Hook Up

635 Words2 Pages

A common issue amongst teens and young adults in today’s society is the misinterpretation of the phrase “hooking up.” Different people, even those who are in the same environment, can interpret this phrase many ways. Hooking up can mean anything from simply kissing or making out, all the way to sexual intercourse. No matter what your definition of the phrase is, it is clear to many that there is no universal way of knowing how another person will define or feel about it. I personally believe that hooking up is immoral because it can mislead both parties involved and force conflicting emotions amongst them, it should be exclusively reserved for those in a romantically committed relationship with whomever they love, and it has the potential to ruin one’s reputation due to the stigma tied to the phrase.
In hooking up there are many different emotions going around. There are different emotions between men and women. While in a relationship, feelings tend to grow between the two sexes unlike a random hookup. When a couple breaks up, there seems to be some pain in both men and women. When hooking up with someone and don’t call them the next day or let alone ever again, there seems to be no problem. I do believe though that sometimes women tend to get a little more attached to the relationship or hook up than the men do. Many times the women are the ones who get hurt, and men just brush it off. I have a close friend whose name is Cary, and she hooks up with random guys on the regular. She will meet a guy and go home with them for the night and just hope for the best the next morning. She’ll text them saying, “I had an amazing time! Lets hangout again soon!” Of course as expected, she doesn’t get a reply back and she feels hurt.
Many g...

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...ver, is going to forever be known by her peers as a slut because of a few mistakes that she made in the past, mistakes that were even more innocent than the intentional fouls exhibited by James.
In conclusion, hooking up seems to lead to more trouble than it is worth. Some people who are not in a committed relationship seem to use hooking up as a way to find love while others simply do it because they are in love and ready to share themselves with the other person, regardless of the negative feedback they may receive from peers for their seemingly-justifiable actions. No matter how you may interpret it, it is something that someone should take a great deal of time to make sure they are ready for before partaking in an activity that could potentially cause someone to get hurt, could lead to a false relationship, or that could ruin their reputations in the process.

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