Honor Program Thesis

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My first year here at Georgia Southern University has been a remarkable experience of which I'm truly thankful for. Although it has came with impromptu trials that have tested my abilities to withstand encounters with anxiety such as stress and time management issues, my experience has taught me that you have to go by the motivational quote to, “Adjust to the passage of time… And be able to roll with the punches,” as Dolly Parton once said.

With my acceptance into the University Honors Program, my educational experience will undoubtedly be enhanced through various aspects of the Honors Program, one of them being the Thesis/Capstone Project. Over a three year span, I will have the opportunity to delve into deep, complex research about my major and then write a thesis paper of my hypothesis. This process will involve me finding a mentor, most likely a professor within Georgia Southern’s staff. Therefore, I will be making connections through my thesis paper. The Thesis/Capstone Project will also enhance my educational experience by showing potential graduate schools I have went more in depth within the material of my major. …show more content…

This experience will encourage honor students to get out into the community and help a cause or group which in return will have many benefits for us. For one, the required experience will help you reach out to the community and possibly help you make new friends. Another benefit would be the many skills you obtain from volunteering such as communication or dependability skills. Lastly, the experiential learning experience could possibly help us by advancing us within our major or future career by finding connections around the

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