The Worst Nightmare Of The Holocaust

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Picture the worst thing you could ever imagine. Gore, violence, murder, complete and utter horror. Now, multiply this by 100. You have nearly created the Holocaust.Some say it was the darkest period in history.If you asked me, however, I would tell you it was beyond your worst nightmare. The Holocaust led to the death and extermination of millions of Jews. It started in the early twentieth century about 20 years after WWII. The Holocaust was controlled by the Nazis, who were under the strict and demanding power of Adolf Hitler. This evil man had ideas of being the biggest and most powerful empire in the world. He wanted this empire to be dominated by a primary race, Aryan. When you put all these things together, you get The Holocaust. …show more content…

They were only permitted to go to the lowest, filthiest areas of town possible. They were not to go anywhere to be entertained, but were only allowed to do necessary things like buying groceries. If they were found anywhere else they would be punished by an unestablished extent of law. Their punishment would depend on what area they were in. Next, they were moved into areas called ghettos, where only the Jews would live. This was by far the nastiest place in town, and was never sanitized in any way. This was how they captured them and got them ready to be taken to the worst possible thing any human being has ever thought of. The concentration …show more content…

They had no idea what was going on or why they were being taken there until they stepped inside and saw for themselves, so they listened to the guards and obeyed all of their commands. Everyone was lined up and told where to go. All of the men were set aside for inspection. They would be tested for sickness. If they were sick or too weak to work, they would be sent to the gas chambers as soon as possible. All of the women and children were immediately taken to the gas chambers. the only reason they agreed to go was because they were told they were being taken there to take showers. Children were taken there because if they survived the concentration camp, they would start a whole new generation of Jews. Women were taken there because they would often not part from their children. The gas chambers were an efficient and inexpensive torture method that the Nazis used to kill Jews. The guards would take them to their “shower”, and close the air tight door leading into the chamber. After they were locked up, on guard would open a door at the top of the chamber and drop in a can of Zykon B. Zykon B is a gas that depletes all oxygen it comes in contact with. This would suffocate the Jews and cause a terrible death, making them suffer for up to 15 minutes. This method could kill nearly 1000 people at a time. There was even one report, explaining a case of when they opened the doors, one victim was found on his knees, with blood

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