Hitler's Final Solution And Operation Barbarossa

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Oppositions to the ideology of the Holocaust being a process of improvisation exist. According to Dawidowicz (1918), the school of thought on intentionalists hold that the Final Solution was Hitler’s planned execution . The extermination was his intention and process that led to it. However, it did not show that the purpose for ultimate destruction were mere distractions. According to Hill Gruber and Dawidowicz, the Holocaust was an action plan ideologically shown in the Mein Kampf. Intentionalist Breitman, as pre-determined plan, picks on speeches such as Himmler’s where he foreshadows the clash and eventually eradicating the German Jewry . The ideology of Hitler pre-determining and instigating the Holocaust is pointed to the lack of the …show more content…

The decision for the invasion of the Soviet Union (1941) came up in the same action line. The contributor puts forward an argument as a proof that it was Hitler’s intention for the destruction of the European Jewry and communist groups. It was the rhetoric of Hitler towards the Judaeo-Bolshevik . In addition, the idea for the destruction of the members of Soviet was in-line with Holocaust initiation decision .
The argument by theoretical scholars-Kershaw and Yehuda Bauer is that the Final Solution emanated from forces from top and bottom. Other than verifying the position of Hitler in the execution of the Holocaust, they hold that He (Hitler) had no pre-designed master plan for the future of the European Jewish and Germans. Despite this, he still had a role in the decision making towards the Final Solution. Their cohesive explanatory perspectives remain crucial since they incorporate convincing …show more content…

In regard to this, an entry in the Joseph Goebbels’ - (Minister of propaganda) diary of date 12th December, 1941:
With respect to the Jewish Question, the Fuhrer has decided to make a clean sweep. He prophesied to the Jews that if they again brought about a world war, they would live to see their annihilation in it. That was not just a catch-word. The world war is here and the annihilation of the Jews must be a necessary consequence .

Moreover, Hitler’s statements to the public in response to the ‘Jewish Question’ act as the primary sources of evidence for him to be actively having been involved in the development as well as in the Final solution execution. A statement in 1922 in an interview to Josef Hell- journalist stipulated his aim up getting to power, what he gave priority in his plans . The statement depicts that even before getting to power, he had prior plans to campaign towards the destruction of the European Jewry. Moreover, Adolf Hitler had desire for this destruction of the German Jews to be

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