History of Physical Education

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Physical education is defined nowadays as a “systematic instruction in sports, exercises, and hygiene given as part of a school or college program” (Park). When most people think of the term “physical education” they think of it as “a broad, inclusive term comprising the fields of physical education, health education, safety education, athletics, recreation, dance education, kinesiology and so on” (Zeigler 1). It may sometimes be referred to as physical training or gym class and mainly is taught in grades kindergarten all to the way up to your senior year in high-school in the United States. The history of physical education dates way back to the Greek and Roman times and has slowly evolved into what it is now today. There is a long tradition that goes along with physical education and many events and people have helped influence it over the years and it has now developed into a profession in America. Some of the earliest influences on physical education were that of the Roman and Greeks. The Greek culture had a major focus on physical education and their education was divided into two key elements. One was “gymnastics and the other was “music.” Gymnastics was what people consider today as a regular gym class where sports and games were played. Music was all of the other academic subjects. So they had a big emphasis on physical education. Greek boys were encouraged to become athletes and later on participate in Olympic Games (Siedentop 24). The Romans were different from the Greeks in the sense that they really did not make up their own philosophies. Their empire was built through the wars that they won, and they would adopt the culture of those they conquered if it would benefit them. Military training had ... ... middle of paper ... ... 42). Throughout the century it was clearly evident that it was changing to more of just fitness for an objective rather than anything else. Nowadays physical education is required for students from elementary school all the way up to graduating high-school. As well it should be. It is very important in my opinion for people to be physically educated. I believe people should know about their bodies and how to keep them in good shape so they can live a long, happy life. It is important to keep physically active and physical education can help satisfy that. It is a subject that has had a long tradition throughout our history. It first started as people basically just moving around and playing games to now it being a full on profession that one can make a career out of thanks to all of the people and events that took place to help shape what it is today.

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