Hinduism Research Paper

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There are more than 4,000 religions in the world, and one of those religions is Hinduism. “Hinduism itself is simply a way of life, nothing more”(Mahabir), this is the belief of Anthony Mahabir, a Trinidadian Indian man who is extremely clear as to what he wants out of his religion due to immense studying and understanding. Although Anthony grew up in Trinidad, without many of the opportunities that Trinity College Students are offered, he moved with his parents to Canada in his late teens. Anthony has a heavily religious background as he grew up in a catholic household. After finishing high school he moved on to getting his degree in the technological field. After suffering through a few jobs, Anthony was sought out to be head of …show more content…

It is believed to be created in 2300-1500 BC by a small civilization that resides in the Indus Valley. Hinduism has four main beliefs; the first is the idea of truth being eternal, the second is the fact that the Vedas (the most important scripture in Hinduism) has the highest supremacy in the Hindu faith, the third is the idea that individual souls are immortal but the physical being dies, the fourth is that the goal of a Hindu soul is to achieve Moksha. Hinduism is extremely unique, as it cannot be neatly placed into one belief system. Unlike other religions, Hinduism is a way of life rather than a list of rules that say if you don’t follow, god will not accept you. Hinduism has its own beliefs, traditions, advanced system of ethics, meaningful rituals, philosophy and …show more content…

As much as people like to believe otherwise, religion does influence the world around us. Not only is Hinduism the third largest religion but it is also one of the fastest growing, with the expectation that hinduism will make up 15.2% of the population in 2030. I believe that it is extremely relevant to the world today as it deals with highly debated issues such as same-sex marriage, and abortion. According to Anthony “when it comes to same sex marriages Hinduism doesn’t frown upon it, because… my soul does not change because my soul is sexless”(Mahabir). This is extremely interesting to me because same-sex marriage is quite frowned upon in many other religions and in the world as a whole. However as for abortion, “Abortion is one of the most heinous crimes that a Hindu will consider. The reason why is that in Hinduism we refer to the highest stage that one can attain is called brown hin level. A brown hin is, almost if one can put it into terms, getting to a prophet level”(Mahabir). So the thought is “what if that fetus was to be in later life a Brown Hin”(Mahabir). I also find this extremely interesting because this is one of the most debated topics in the

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