High School Leadership Assignment

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California High School Leadership Samika Shah 9th Grade Staff Support Ways that I would recognize staff members is by organizing events such as Teacher Appreciation Day or by reaching out with social media. By organizing Teacher Appreciation Day, the staff members of Cal High would be rewarded with awards that represent the appreciation the student body has towards them and for all the work that they have done. Students could make cards or posters throughout their classrooms and could have their peers sign them by writing thank you notes or expressions of appreciation. Students that highly value their teachers could also recognize them by rewarding them with class parties or small gatherings that are dedicated to appreciating …show more content…

I reflect a lot of interest and captivation to art because I know that creativity is an important aspect of leadership. Something that portrays my artistic talent is an assignment that I was assigned to complete. For this assignment, I was instructed to create a timeline of the different events that I have occurred throughout my life. The events of the assignment had to reflect the most terrifying and embarrassing aspects of my life, as well as the happiest aspects of my life. I had to categorize each of the events into the best and worst occurrences and had to draw a big picture in the background of my timeline to represent each the events and occurrences of my life. I decided to illustrate the buildings of New York City to represent the ups and downs in my life. After drawing the various buildings of New York City on my sheet of paper, I placed my dreadful and embarrassing events on the small buildings because they represented the low points of my life. I placed each of my successful and happy events on the really tall and high buildings because they represented the high points of my life. After pasting all of the events on my paper, I began coloring and shading my illustration using various techniques. I colored the night sky a blue and purple gradient and vividly shaded the city buildings to represent New York City in the …show more content…

by creating persuasive flyers and posters throughout the school and placing them at various areas on campus. If I were selected to be on the decorations and publicity committee, I would use my creativity and artistic abilities to make colorful and vibrant posters that would encourage various groups and clubs on campus. I would also wear any spirit wear that is associated with the group or club that includes the group name or logo on it to help support them throughout campus. This would be a great step to promoting and supporting the important groups and clubs on campus because it shows the passion that leaders have towards encouraging and supporting the club or group. Other ways that I would support various groups and members of our school would be by setting out to become a great leader that strongly motivates and encourages people throughout campus. Making lively posters and wearing spirit wear to support the people, groups, and clubs throughout campus are the steps to promoting them throughout Cal High. I know that following through with each of these ideas are great ways to show my support and enthusiasm towards these groups on campus, but it is even more important to become a great leader and use the skills of a good leader to encourage them. This can mean just showing my enthusiasm and school spirit towards these groups and clubs in order to help support them, or it can mean informing the entire

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