High Cost Of Health Care Essay

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The high costs of health care are a big problem in society of United States. The total heath care cost in US have increased from $75 billion to $2.6 trillion between 1970 and 2010. However, If we compare the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECO) with United States on total health expenditure per capita, public, and private in 2010. The spending in United States is 150 presents of the OECO average. In addition, the health spending of United State is 17.6 presents of GDP, that is nearly twice the OECD average. Therefore, the high costs of health care will make large stress for the people who have not enough money to pay for hospital, prescription drugs, or insurance company. Thus the high cost of health care is a big problem …show more content…

In the social problem class, I learned that six reasons of the high costs of health care. Including profit driven, inefficiency, defensive medicine, malpractice lawsuits, development of new technology, and expensive prescription drugs. As we know, the traditionally hospital were run by churches universities and municipalities. Since the 1960, for-profit hospital and chains have emerged. Such as the drug companies and insurance companies. Drug companies don’t provide affordable health-preserving drugs in business, they want to make profits for their executives and shareholders as insurance company, Drug companies are firstly concerned with profit as distinct from product. Insurance companies are not in business to facilitate healthcare. For-profit commercial health insurance companies are organizations rely on risk. They are more likely to seeking some people who are unlikely to get sick or injured and try to deny coverage when they do. There are another reason. Because the United States is a litigious society, doctors have to protect themselves by paying high malpractice insurance premium. On the other hand, people want to defense the possible disease, they spend a lot of money for take the defense medicine. The expensive prescriptive drug is a reason why the health care costs of United States is large than other countries. For example , in China, people don’t have to buy the anti-inflammatory drug in

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