Hessian Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence delivers railing accusations targeted at the depravity of the Hessians, stating, “He [King George III] is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat [sic] the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.” What did the Hessians do that warranted such disturbing allegations from our founding fathers? First, it is important to learn the history of these mercenaries. The Hessians were from Hesse-Cassel, a German nation-state. This tiny country’s ruler was a prince named Landgraf Wilhelm II. He had a strong taste for luxury, spending excessive amounts of money on public works. He also wanted to maintain a public welfare system and promote education. All of these projects required money – lots of money; however, he also had to ensure taxes were low in order to keep the people happy. …show more content…

Hesse-Cassel loaned its army to the British for an amount of money that was approximately proportionate to the earnings the country made from taxes in a time-period of thirteen years. This created an extreme demand for soldiers, and boys in Hesse-Cassel were required to register for military service as soon as they turned age seven. Every year, males from age sixteen to thirty were mandated to appear before a government official for the possibility of being forced to join the army. Only those with careers deemed crucial to the state did not run the risk of

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