Heroes Live

530 Words2 Pages

China, now the world’s largest economy, is notorious for the effects caused by their increased economy, especially on the environment. Although China has looked towards a better and developed future for its citizens, their way of life is heavily impacted by the degrading environment. Water is a source that is paramount to living, however, due to uneven water distribution in China and the fact that many factories are located near water banks and rivers, there are high costs for water shortage and high probability of water contamination. The people of China are growing exponentially in number and becoming urbanized as well as wealthier, thus resulting in the increase of number of cars being sold, however cause air pollution, traffic, and more oil usage. Each province of China has their own different problem concerning the environment. In “When A Billion Chinese Jump” by Jonathan Watts, he explains the environmental problems of Hubei (with Guangxi), Shanxi (with Shaanxi), and Tibet, where their concerns are biodiversity conservation, air pollution, and desertification, respectfully.

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