Heritage Learning Center Research Paper

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At Heritage Learning Center, we know that young children love to move; but we also know that they need the kind of encouragement, instruction and practice to develop their basic motor skills that they can only get in the best preschool in McKinney. Why is it important for children to attend Heritage Learning Center? Because we have many years of experience in assisting with the physical development of young children and we have an understanding of the link between a healthy body and a healthy mind. Here are some of the reasons you should choose Heritage Learning Center to get your children moving: To Help Them Maintain A Healthy Weight There’s no doubt that obesity is a growing problem in the United States. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, 17% of American …show more content…

Heart disease, diabetes and hypertension are just a few of the illnesses that can result of a sedentary lifestyle. To Improve Their Academic Performance A report by the National Academy of Sciences suggests that children who are physically active are able to better focus their attention, perform simple tasks more quickly and have better working memories and problem-solving skills than children who aren’t active. To Help Them Build And Maintain Strong Bodies Regular movement can help children develop stronger muscles, bones and joints in a number of ways. Activities like jumping rope, playing basketball and walking promote bone health while stretching, running and swimming improve muscle flexibility, strength and endurance. To Improve Their Sleep Quality Research published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood shows that children who participate in vigorous exercise fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer than children who are more sedentary. More sleep is associated with better physical and cognitive health. To Lessen Their Chances Of Developing Mood

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