Henry VIII's Leaving of Somerset as an Impossible Legacy

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Henry VIII's Leaving of Somerset as an Impossible Legacy

To a large extent Somerset was left with an impossible because he had

problems financially and diplomatically, as well as this there was

religious instability. However he could have been stronger in certain

situations such as in Scotland.

When Henry died he left Somerset and the crown bankrupt. Henry had

spent over 2 million pounds on wars with France and Scotland, as well

as this Henry owed continental bakers £152 000 and had sold all

monastic lands. Henry also wasted money on personal pleasures.

According to Loach, Henry between 1540 and 1544 had dispensed £250 000

using the money for military expenses, palace building and "pocket

money". This shows that Henry was very extravagant in his spending of

money and to some extent left Somerset with an impossible legacy.

Diplomatically Henry left Somerset with an impossible legacy because

at this time Scotland was a threat to England due to the support they

had from France. Another reason why Scotland was a key area for

Somerset was because of the Treaty of Greenwich 1543 and a specific

clause in it. This clause was that Mary Queen of Scots was to marry

Edward VI. However historians say that Henry did not take full

advantage of the situation and that Mary's advisors were never going

to go through with the treaty. Since this was one of Henry's wishes in

his will Somerset had to follow it, and because of the Scottish

advisors reluctance to go through with the treaty it put Somerset in a

complicated situation. Another problem for Somerset was that Mary had

a legitimate claim to the English throne so she may have been used as

a pawn by France or Habsburg in terms of religion.

When Henri II succeeds Francis he sends a fleet of 4000 troops to

Scotland and a fleet of gallies. Somerset knew that he had to

intervene at that specific moment because England were in danger from

a possible attack and does being his assault on the pretext of the

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