Henry V Christian King Essay

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In the play Henry V written by Shakespeare. Henry was presented as the ideal Christian king. His mercy, wisdom, and other characteristics demonstrated the behavior of a Christian king. Yet at the same time he is shown to be man like any other. The way he behaves in his past is just like an ordinary man. But in Henry’s own mind he describes himself as “the mirror of all Christian kings” and also a “true lover of the holly church.

In the beginning of the play Henry is set up to be the ideal of a Christian King. Interestingly, Shakespeare highlights this as an important characteristic as this occurs earlier in the play. Therefore readers are tricked to respect and agree with Henry’s decisions later on in the play. Shakespeare has twisted our thinking so it seems Henry is truly the ideal Christian King. For example Henry’s Christian virtues are strongly highlighted in his own thoughts spoken out loud before the battle of Agincourt. Also he is more concerned about his country and what must be completed as a king. This is also a tremendous characteristic of a leader and this would add warmth of the character of Henry and his image of being the ideal king. …show more content…

When the English were facing great defeat in the Battle of Agincourt, Henry tells him mean that it is up to God’s will. This is a great act of faith and trust in God and it emphasizes his noble Christian qualities. Also Henry displays mercy when he gave those who “Hath no stomach to fight” the option to leave. He did not force them to fight in the battle of Agincourt he trusted in God because all his men left him. This is the Kind of wisdom that we often see displayed by kings in the

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