Hashtag Black Lives Matter Essay

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The hashtag Black Lives Matter is a social media movement tend to encourage to fight anti-black racism. The hashtag All Lives Matter is a social media colorblindness movement that goes against the purpose of the hashtag Black Lives Matter. So many people over social media argue the point that the hashtag all lives matter is demonizing and discrediting black lives as a whole; as if black lives isn't including in the "all" part. A person by the name of @djsoap92 on twitter explains that "#All Lives Matter is like I go to the Dr for a broken arm and he says, "All Bones Matter" ok but right now let's take care of this broken one"(Victor 2016). It is an analogy that lots of people use to compare or define the hashtag all lives matter. In my opinion I feel as though #All Lives Matter is offensive towards the black community because not only is the hashtag proclaiming that black lives don't matter and isn't cared for. Now, people can argue that all lives matter is not a response to black lives matter, but no one was saying anything about lives matter until the black lives matter movement was created. It is like someone is offended or uncomfortable with the fact that this hashtag and historical slogan was created. Why is that? John Halstead said, "Many of the people saying, “All Lives Matter” also Movements a crossed the globe have been and still are energized by social media. If go on Instagram, Twitter, or even Facebook and look up the hashtag black lives matter it shows you everything from death of Eric Garner and other blacks to millions of people supporting and spreading black lives matter. About 12 million times people view the hashtag black lives matter on social media and maybe roughly half of the time people view the hashtag black lives matter are viewing hashtag all lives matter according to the Pew Research Center.

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