Happiness And Religion

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Happiness has been defined in many ways, religiously happiness comes through living a good life. Rizvi and Hoassain (2017) tell us religion "is a technique to attain purpose in life, mental health, physical well-being and internal peace which ultimately leads to happiness." Sharma (2016) emphasizes that oneself is "able to find a meaning or purpose of life this process also makes him/her happy and satisfied in life.". Leading a purpose-driven life is a main point in most religions, I will be focusing on Christianity which is what I believe in. Connecting with one's spirituality can be a path to happiness and having a purposeful life. The topic of what life is and what to do with it, is one that has interested me. Through various sources and …show more content…

There are many factors that can influence the level of happiness in a person’s life through religion. Previously, there has been research that suggested that religion influenced the levels of happiness or fulfillment in a person. Most religions have a similar style in the way to live a good life. Such as loving others, …show more content…

A major part of happiness from religions is billed to mental health. Depending on the mental state of the person, that will help influence how much their happiness will be affected through religion. “Depression, anxiety, suicide, and substance abuse are considered as the major psychological problems in the world. These are the most common disorders, accounting for approximately 50 % of psychological cases. Religion helps influence the happiness of people by giving them a reason for their suffering.” (Jansen, Motley, & Hovey) Believing in a deity such as God, Allah, or Buddha helps the person focus on something, other than their suffering. Believing that they are helping and supporting the greater good. Another section of religion that attracts many is the thought of challenging oneself to gain knowledge. “Spirituality was the most important factor contributing to happiness. Findings suggest that engaging in meaningful activities may be more important to finding happiness than the type of activity or level of immersion in the activity.” (Martinez, Scott) If someone participates in an activity that is meaningful to them, it will impact the person at an intense level. According to Martinez and Scott, something meaningful can come from these three things. Feeling connected to something of a higher power, searching for an in-depth experience, and the application of gained knowledge to their current life is the

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