Haji: Arabic Word for Pilgrimage

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Haji: Arabic Word for Pilgrimage

Hajj is the Arabic word for pilgrimage and pilgrimage means a special

journey of a religious significance. The word Hajj is to set out with

a definite purpose and Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. The five

pillars of Islam are: Shahadah which is statement of belief, Sawm - is

fasting during Ramadi, Salah prayer five times a day which is

communicating with Allah. Zakat charitable giving and the fifth pillar

of Islam is Hajj which is pilgrimage to Makkah.

Hajj is held every year. Muslims have to go on Hajj once in their

lifetime. Makkah is an important religious place because it's the home

of the prophet Mohammed and the city he grew up in. It also has the

profits mosque, which is one of the most important mosques in Islam.

And while Mohammed was on Hajj he was enlightened and heard words from


If a Muslim can't go on Hajj for some reason they have two choices

they can give their savings to charity which is one of the five

pillars of Islam Zakat (charitable giving) or they can give their hajj

savings to someone else to take your place or someone can represent a

whole family if they don't have a lot of money. Then Allah knows you

had Niyyah (which means intention in Arabic) of going, and in his mind

you are there and forgiven.

Before a Muslim can go on Hajj they must be organised, finished all

there duties and responsibilities and pay for any outstanding debts.

Part of being a Muslim is obeying rules here are some rules: first you

must be a Muslim; you must be physically fit because some of the

challenges are tough like running between al-safa and al-marwa, you

must leave previsions for your family & you must pay for Hajj in an

honest way. And last you must be old enough to respect Allah and

understand why you are there and what the purpose of coming to Makkah


During Hajj all Muslims have to understand that your all equal, nobody

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