Gwen Bristow's Influence On Celia Character

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In Celia Garth, Gwen Bristow created Celia as an inspiration for her readers. She gave her characteristics of respect and patience. She gave Celia a vibrant and sassy personality to connect with more people. She also instilled the concept of being self-sufficient into Celia through obstacles she faced. These characteristics helped to create a character that was appealing to readers and inspired them to be more like Celia. From a young age Celia experienced difficult circumstances. When she was only a little girl, her parents died forcing her to learn how to be self-sufficient. She learned to work for what she wanted which taught her the value of hard work. She knew the tedious jobs she did for people would pay off for her. “Celia, you won’t …show more content…

Through her personal opinions, readers can obtain a more apparent sense of her true sassiness. Readers first get a sense of her liveliness when Mrs. Thorley calls Celia into her office to talk to her… “Miss Garth, said Mrs. Thorley, did you know Mrs. Lacy was going to write me?...No ma’am, she returned. (Well, I didn’t know she was going to write! I just hoped she would and was scared she wouldn’t.) There was a brief pause. Celia tried to look relaxed and intelligent” (Bristow 33). Celia gives the readers an insight into what is going through her mind. It allows the readers to connect with her on a more personal level and feel as if they are right there with Celia. Many people have similar remarks that go through their heads when they are involved in a conversation. Another instance where Celia showed her vibrant personality was when she blatantly turns down Sophie’s offer of help. “I don’t need anybody to ‘do something’ for me” (Bristow 315). Celia proved she had a bit of spice in her. Readers find her spice intriguing because it makes Celia seem more authentic and appealing. That spice or zing allowed her to be able to stand up for herself and gain respect from

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