Gun Violence In America Pros And Cons

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The pro-gun control video above was posted shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012; what strikes me is that it is still relevant today. I still remember learning about the news clearly: I was in the car and heard news of the Sandy Hook shooting on the radio. Like the majority of Americans, I was nothing short of shocked and horrified. Unfortunately, due to the increasing frequency of gun violence in America, most of us have become desensitized to it. It no longer becomes shocking hearing about these atrocious crimes. Due to the prevalence of gun violence in America, it has recently become part of a national conversation. Too many innocent lives have been lost for Americans to turn a blind eye to the issue of gun control. Citizens should not fear for their lives on a daily basis; we should feel safe in our country. Thankfully, however, politicians such as President Barack Obama are working to resolve this issue. In a nutshell, Obama’s strategy to reduce gun violence in America involves: requiring all gun sellers to obtain a license and run background checks on customers who wish to purchase guns, making background checks more thorough and holistic, and investing more money into the mental health industry to help troubled …show more content…

For instance, in Australia “[t]here have been no mass killings . . . since the nation significantly tightened its gun control laws almost 20 years ago” (ny times). Adjustments they made include "tightened licensing rules, established a 28-day waiting period for gun purchases, created a national gun registry and instituted a temporary buyback program that removed more than 20 percent of firearms from public circulation" (ny times). Although it is impossible to tell whether these gun control laws directly caused a decrease in gun violence, as there could be other, confounding factors, it is very likely that it played a major role in this

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