Gun Laws Pros And Cons

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Guns. Some people automatically think of violence and death when they hear this word. While other think about self-protection, an inalienable right, and fun. These two groups are the main voices in the gun control conversation that debates how much the government should/can control gun flow in the United States. There are many other groups that are in the conversation that aren’t 100% anti-gun, or all the way guns-for-everyone supporter. American’s started their loving relationships with guns’ way back in the 1700’s when they rebelled against the British control and created The United States of America. While they were writing the constitution and other documents, the founding fathers including several amendments. One of which is the Second …show more content…

They are mostly self-explanatory, but inside these two main groups, there are several other smaller camps that believe stronger in one area than the rest. In the anti-gun group, you have some that think gun laws need to be stricter, some that don’t believe that citizens have the legal right to own guns personally, and those that want to completely get rid of guns from everybody. For the pro-gun group, you have people that believe that the Second Amendment gives individuals the direct right to own firearms and that it can’t be taken away. The other camp thinks that gun restrictions and laws won’t help in stopping the violence associated with guns, but instead take away the protection that responsible citizens have with their guns. First off, the group that believes gun laws need to be stricter argues that too many people are able to buy guns that shouldn’t be allowed to, and that people can buy too many guns. They want to limit selling of firearms, and make it more difficult to them. They would require background checks, training, and personal evaluations in order to purchase a firearm. Guns show loopholes that allow people to buy guns without records or background checks would also be shut down in hope to limit gun …show more content…

One is the pro-gun party that thinks we have the right to own guns, and that we should. Then the other wants to get rid of as many guns as possible. There are some people that consider a middle ground where it should just be more difficult to obtain a firearm, or we should ban certain kinds. However, if a solution is ever going to be found, we need more research and debate on the middle grounds of this argument. If both sides could look more into each other’s points, they might be able to find something that works. Gun restrictions should be tested and researched, as well as alternate options to ending violence. Such things like punishing gun using criminals with more prison time, so that people are afraid to commit that crime because of the consequences. Or requiring several different tests, and background checks to make sure you are fully capable of using a firearm appropriately and won’t abuse

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