Gun Control Persuasive Speech

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Around 30,000 people die every year from gunshot wounds, but in none of these deaths did the gun pull its own trigger. Someone had to do that. It is not the guns fault for the deaths. Guns do not kill people, people kill people; therefore, there should be limited gun control.
In the United States, it is the right of all citizens to own a firearm. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." If this second amendment is repealed, there would likely be a black market created to sell guns illegally; this would likely decrease the amount of laws that are abided.. There are laws put …show more content…

If more people actually understood guns then there wouldn’t be as much fear of them. John Cylc says, “There is a fear that the media doesn’t seem to recognize. I am talking about an irrational fear of an inanimate object. It is an item that will neither move on its own, nor explode or damage anything by itself. I am talking about firearms. This irrational fear is called hoplophobia. It is not a recognized medical illness. The basis of this irrational fear may lie in a fear of responsibility. Many people do not want to accept the fact that they may have to depend on themselves to stay safe in certain situations. In accepting responsibility, you may thrive and succeed, or you may flounder and fail. Either way, you made your decision to stand. Owning and carrying a firearm acknowledges the individual responsibility of protecting one’s self, loved ones, community, or even strangers. This fact in no way guarantees the correct reaction or successful defense during the situation. However, the armed person is at least taking the initial step towards his obligation to do this for himself.” Yet, while guns do make it easier for bad things to happen, they also make it easier for people to protect themselves. Guns bring a sense of security to the owner, and also be a form of self defense. Some people may buy a gun, and never even use it, but because they have it they feel more safe. Most of the time when a person feels safe they are less likey to make a rash decision and mishandle the situation when it comes to

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