Grade 11 Biology Catalase Lab Report

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Term 1, 2017 Grade 11 Biology In this report we will discuss the rate in which catalase, a type of enzyme, reacts with hydrogen peroxide to create oxygen. We measured the rate that oxygen filled up a glass test tube filled with water, adding more catalase to the hydrogen peroxide to see if oxygen would be made faster. Enzymes are biological molecules that are a catalyst for chemical reactions within cells, they are made out of large proteins. Without enzymes these chemical reactions would still happen but not at a perceptual rate or one that supports life. “Enzymes If we did not have enzymes, the human body would not be able to function and would not maintain due to the fast chemical reactions needed to keep the body working. Enzymes are not altered or used during the reaction that they are taking place within the cell. Enzymes aid in the help of digestion, metabolism and break up large molecules into pieces small enough for absorption by the body. “A …show more content…

When the Catalases were injected and reacted with the hydrogen peroxide, instantaneously oxygen would be produced and prevent some of the remaining catalases to go through the nozzle. This could vary results and why the same amount of catalase was tested 3 times so the error would be smaller. The delivery rubber tube also caused some errors whilst testing, as it could kink and prevent oxygen from traveling freely from the reaction flask to the measuring tub. This created a slower time when measuring the rate that the oxygen filled up the tube. One of the other errors was having excess air in the measuring tube, this was a problem because it could give an inaccurate result. If there is already air in the tube it means the oxygen has less space to fill up giving it a faster time than what it may normally be, it is a minor error but could impact

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