Essay On Enzymes

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Enzymes are the protein molecules that can rapidly increase the rate of all chemical reactions that are ongoing within our body and cells. They are essential to sustain life and have a great range of functions; these can include aiding digestion and maintaining metabolism. Enzymes can be molded into different, unique and complex shapes that can allocate smaller molecules, known as substrates, to fit into them. A common term that this is known by is called the lock and key fit. The lock is known as the enzyme and the key is known as the substrate. Enzymes come in different shapes and have a unique individual fit that can only become complete when the correct substrate can fit in. If the substrate is too big, too small or hits at the incorrect …show more content…

The role of the enzymes in a metabolic process is to ensure there is a breakdown of large nutrient molecules. This includes; proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This process occurs when the digestion process begins in the stomach and intestines. Each enzyme is able to process only one type of chemical reaction. Several factors have an impact at the rate of which the enzymatic reactions being to proceed. This can come under; temperature, pH levels, enzyme concentration and substrate concentration. As the temperature increases, so does the rate of reaction. However, high temperatures begin to denature enzymes. The enzyme activity gradually increases with temperature up to around 37ºC. However, temperatures over 60°C will cause permanent damage. If there are major changes in pH levels, then this might have a substantial effect on the enzymes shape, but it could potentially deform the shape and properties of the substrate molecule. Such result can consequently cause an impact on the substrate, so it cannot bind with the active site or undergo stages of catalysis. The optimum level is not the same for each type …show more content…

When an enzyme and substrate is at low temperatures, the rate of reactions is much slower than usual. Once the temperature has begun to increase until it has peaked at an optimal level, the rate of reaction will then begin to speed up. However, after the optimal level, if the temperature gets too high, the enzymes will begin to denature. Sucrose is commonly found in many plants, such as: sugar canes and sugar maples. Sucrose can be broken down to a smaller form and it can be used as a sweetener. Sucrose is a disaccharide; this is because it has two monosaccharides that are known as fructose and glucose. As sucrose is a simple carbohydrate, this can enter the system relatively fast and give spikes within energy levels. Sucrose can also bolster the body with energy levels that is needed for both: physical and mental functions. The human body will break down sucrose into fructose and glucose during the stages of digestion. Once fructose and glucose have been created, this will then release energy into the required cells that are needed to function and carry out

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