Goryeo Greed

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The sun rose in the east as it always did. With each bursting ray of the sun an uneasiness could be felt throughout the land of Goryeo. A change was coming. It could be felt as the wind blew that early morning. Greed become king in the land of Goryeo. God had abandoned Goryeo. No amount of prayers seemed to sway Buddha. The mood within the temples No matter how much the Buddhist monks prayed; their prayers were not heard in behalf of the yangban. Nothing was ever enough. The greed of the yangban had brought an undesirable odor before Buddha. The yangban became richer by taxing to death the sangmin and working to death the nobi. Many of the sangmin had lost their livelihoods. Their lavish lifestyles were breaking the backs of the sangmin. Taxation had a rose to an unbelievable amount. The sangmin were to the point of becoming indentured slaves to get out of the debt they owed. While the yangban grew fatter; the sangmin worried how they would feed their families …show more content…

He stood contemplating the many things that could arise today. It was his job to assist in making decisions that could have a catastrophic effect on all in the realm. Was it even possible to sue for a peaceful end to the mayhem that had ensued for such a long time? Yet his conscience bothered him. Though his household prospered, he, his family, and slaves lived in comfort. He stood watching as the sun rose. Kim Hyeon-woo remembered the words his father used to say; when he wanted to purchase an extravagant item his friends were purchasing. “I understand your need to be the same as your friends. Yet we for our part have everything we need. Buddha has blessed us with much. Yet, we must not be greedy and follow the footsteps of those who flaunt what they have. We for our part must set an example that Buddha himself set. Remember my words my son. For someday, you too will have to set an example for your own household and those that look to

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