Golf Course Marketing

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Four Steps to Use Email Marketing for Your Golf Course

If you are looking to expand your local golf course business, the place to start is with the Internet. Reaching the right people by email and selling them on the idea of visiting your golf course is one of the best approaches to Internet marketing. The following is a basic strategy to implementing this type of marketing for your golf course.

Obtain a list of email addresses for prospective customers
There are many companies that sell lists of emails, and if you have no list at all, this is a good place to start. You will need a list of emails for anybody who is interested in playing the game of golf living in local zip codes. An email marketing company will be able to sell you a list …show more content…

But more importantly, you want them to visit your website and sign up for a newsletter or otherwise opt-in to your mailing list. In exchange, you can offer a special discount at your golf course. This needs to be done, because many of the names on the list that you purchased will not belong to people who want your product, while other emails will be for those who don't remember opting in to the list you bought.

Continue to build your own list with local advertising
Once you begin to build your own list, you can begin experimenting from other ways to build your list. For example, you may want to try a local, direct mail campaign. You can use the post office to blanket the local residential area with a post card mailing, attempting to get people to come to your website and sign up for your newsletter.

Use your list to make money
As your list continues to grow, you can begin to use it to promote special deals and events at your golf course. Because this list is composed of people who are interested in your golf course, including many people who have already made purchases, you will find that this list is the most powerful marketing tool you could ever

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