Thorpe Park Marketing Strategies

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Thorpe Park Marketing Strategies

I am writing this report to inform you about certain primary and

secondary research I have done involving Thorpe Park. With this

research I hope I can boost the parks annual turnover, customer

satisfaction and popularity. In this report I will demonstrate how I

have become of these results and how we can develop them.



I have been able to do this by overviewing the Internet and looking in

the magazines and newspapers that include Thorpe Park and any of its

marketing structure for both primary and secondary results.

Here is the primary and secondary research I have done

Primary research- investigating Thorpe Parks marketing structure

I have carried out research on some of the most important segments of

marketing, which the parks marketing staff have undertaken into

consideration before now.

I have overviewed the television and sky advertising which I must say

are very effective.

The leaflets and flyers that Thorpe Park produces and which can be

acquired in the park also how it encourages entering customers to make

a return visit to the park at a later date.

The billboard and poster fragment of there marketing will need looking


There Internet advertising strategy which is already well founded has

been looked at.

On my visit to Thorpe Park I ask some of the quests what they could

like to see new in Thorpe Park and how they would like to see it


I looked at hotel accommodation near the park and how a Park hotel

would greatly improve the parks local reach, the park popularity and

customer satisfaction.

Secondary research- investigating Thorpe parks marketing structure

The secondary research which I have undertaking has been on the parks

rides and advertising from other theme parks such as, Lego lands

adverting campaign as they are less than 30minutes drive from the

park, this could be a threat.

I have constructed a SWOT analysis base on this research on the next

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