Money Maker

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Money Maker

My name is Dave Rod. With help of my modem, I got out of my debts and i longed to turn my advocations in to my vocations.

I am now able to go on cruises,buy new cars eat out and have the things i dream about. I have earned over $400,000.00 to date and will become a millionaire within 4 or five months. Anyone can do the same. This moneyaking program works perfectly every time , 100% of the time. I have never failed to earn $50,000.00 or more whenever I wanted. Best of all you nevber have to leave home except to walk to the mail box or post office.

Couple of years ago, I was in big debt and I couldn't find a way to get out of it. I recieved the similar letter which you are reading right now and i set it aside for a while . I never thought it would bring me money. I was desperate to find a job but it wasn't easy. One day , I booted up the computer and called up several bulliten boards . Then I thought about following the instructions in the letter and posting it up. I couldn't believe it!!! people started to send me money and ask me to put them on the mailing list. And the people i sent money to must have sold there mailing lists because I am constantly getting unbelievable deals on stuff through the mail . Now you could make your dreams come true and live you life as you wish.

Follow these instructions EXACTLY, and in 20 to 60 days you will have recieved well over 50,000.00 cash , all yours. This program has remained successful because of HONESTY and INTEGRITY of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully ADHERING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS.

Welcome to the world of Mail Order! This little business is little different than most mail order houses. Your product is not solid and tangable, but rather than a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists (The money made from the mailinglists are secondary to the income made from people like yourself requesting that they be put on the list.

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