Golden Rule Now

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Where is The Golden Rule now? In today’s world there are many rules and laws. There are laws against smoking in public places, there are laws against playing ball hockey on the street, and there are even laws about standing in front of a store or an establishment for too long. These laws are severely enforced. Breaking any of these laws can result in fines of up to $2000. Said laws have not been around nearly as long as the Golden Rule has, but in today’s society they seem to be more important than the number one rule most religions believe in. “Do to others as you would have them do unto you” is a well-known rule that was left on earth to assist people of every religion on their path to paradise (Luke 6:31- 10:27). Unfortunately, not many …show more content…

There is not one person in the world that has not lied. Some people deem lying to be a necessary part of life, but when people lie they do not consider how it feels when they are lied to. The advertisements in the media are a perfect example of how society does not respect the ethic of reciprocity. There are many companies that advertise “magical” weight loss pills all over television, specifically on shows like Dr. Oz. This Dr. Oz receives thousands of dollars for advertising these miracle pills on his well-known shows. There is no harm in advertising, but there is harm when you claim to be advertising something that works when it does not. Dr. Oz has been called out on these weight loss pill scams many times, but has not stopped advertising them resulting in people wasting hundreds of dollars. Advertisements in the world are just one example of how the Golden Rule is absent in society. Wealthy companies trick people into giving them even more money and do not feel the slightest bit of guilty about it. It is guaranteed that no one wants to be tricked, so these companies are not doing unto others as they would have done to them. Another example of the Golden Rule being forgotten in the lies of society is with politicians. All politicians are required to have party platforms, promises they make to the people that they are expected to complete once elected. These party platforms aren’t always true; many politicians’ promise things they cannot make happen or don’t even intend to make happen. Hitler for example, had a campaign slogan of “Freedom and bread” (Bullock 120). It is well-known that Hitler did not live up to that slogan; instead he imprisoned and killed an estimated 11 million people (Bullock 160). These politicians were once voters, no voter wants to be lied to. In their illustrious careers of power politicians have forgotten what it is like to receive an empty promise.

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